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Becoming a Member

Learn more about why you should become a member and sign up today!



When you become a member of the Nuclear Against Racism initiative by taking the pledge, you will receive exclusive access to the members-only portal which includes the following:

A forum for individuals and organizations to:

• ​Share and utilize resources.

• Share events or other industry learning opportunities.

• Collaborate development of specific goals and targets around diversification industry wide and antiracism action.

• Learn about opportunities for mentorship, scholarship and tutoring opportunities to influence students towards the nuclear industry.

• Share experiences about what has and hasn't work for your organization.

Access to special events/training with a focus on Anti-Racism, Diversity & Inclusion, & Unconscious Bias Training

Members will also receive a monthly newsletter from Nuclear Against Racism with the following:


• Monthly Anti-racism checklist/action List (resources, important dates, what you can do as an organization or individual).


• Spotlight on the antiracism work that is happening in the nuclear industry.


• Spotlight on not-for-profit/charitable organizations with a focus on anti-racism that members are encouraged to support.


• Information about upcoming special events and training.


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By becoming a member of Nuclear Against Racism, you accept the following pledge:


I pledge to acknowledge my own racist bias and understand that I am not perfect. I will continuously self-reflect and consider how my everyday actions are affecting the world around me. 


I pledge to be anti-racist in my actions. I will rebuke the use of racist language and behaviour towards others. I will expand my consciousness to be more aware and sensitive to my use of overt and subtle expressions of racism and racial stereotypes. Moreover, I will stand up for BIPOC when I see racist behaviour. 


I pledge to educate myself on racial justice issues and share what I learn in my own communities even if it means challenging my family, my partner, my children, my friends, my co-workers and those I encounter on a daily basis. 


I pledge to acknowledge the privilege that I am given by our normative society, whether it stems from my skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or disability. I did not chose to be who I am, but I know that the way I am seen by society affects the way that I move through the world. 


I pledge to listen to and believe BIPOC when they share their experiences. While it is not my job to speak for them, I can use my privilege to amplify their voices.  


I take this pledge, fully aware that the struggle to eliminate racism will not end with a mere pledge but calls for an ongoing transformation within myself and the institutions and structures of our society. 


If you are an individual that would like to become a member of Nuclear Against Racism, please sign up below.


Once you have signed up, you can register for an account.

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Street Fashion on Black & White


That would like to be involved and learn more about this initiative, please contact Margaret McBeath at NPX

Nuclear Against Racism wants to spotlight what organizations in the nuclear industry are doing to mitigate change in their workplace and beyond.

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